Conversation with Cardinal Burke May 2019
Dedicated to advancing Cardinal Burke’s apostolate and mission, Catholic Action for Faith and Family relies on prayers and participation from our family of Operation Storm Heaven supporters and generous donations from Faith Defenders.
Won't you prayerfully consider becoming an
Operation Storm Heaven Faith Defender.
Conversation with Cardinal Burke April 2019
Dedicated to advancing Cardinal Burke’s apostolate and mission, Catholic Action for Faith and Family relies on prayers and participation from our family of Operation Storm Heaven supporters and generous donations from Faith Defenders.
Won't you prayerfully consider becoming an
Operation Storm Heaven Faith Defender.
Conversation with Cardinal Burke March 2019
Dedicated to advancing Cardinal Burke’s apostolate and mission, Catholic Action for Faith and Family relies on prayers and participation from our family of Operation Storm Heaven supporters and generous donations from Faith Defenders.
Won't you prayerfully consider becoming an
Operation Storm Heaven Faith Defender.
The heart is often represented as the core or center of human emotions, and especially of love. The images of Valentine’s Day bear testimony to this. We know that the heart – along with the brain – performs one of the most important works of the body. In the great first command of the Old Testament – and the New Testament – we are “to love the Lord Our God with all our mind, heart, soul and strength” (Dt 6: 4-5; Mt 22:37; Mk 12:29; Lk 10:27).
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is likewise a powerful sign or symbol of Christ’s love ‘in the flesh.’ When God took human flesh in the mystery of the Incarnation, there was formed in Him also a heart. After His death Jesus rose in the body. He ascended into Heaven in His body. And so His loving and Sacred Heart continues to live and beat.
Read moreAnnounce His Glory
The climax of the Easter season is in the two solemn feasts of the Ascension and of Pentecost.
The Ascension of the Lord, celebrated traditionally Forty Days after the Resurrection, can be seen as a grace of divine justice. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior, humbled Himself in being made flesh in the Incarnation. He taught, was killed, and rose from death. Now He is restored to the glory that is rightly His from all eternity. He returns to the heavenly Father, and sits at the right hand of the power. He receives again the glory which is His due.
Read moreFatima: Heaven's Answer to a World in Crisis
Speaker: Cardinal Raymond Burke
A Victory Strategy for the 21st Century
Speaker: David Carollo
Fatima: The Movie
Speaker: Dick Lyles