Operation Storm Heaven - March 2020
Read moreConversation with Cardinal Burke - January 2020
Dedicated to advancing Cardinal Burke’s apostolate and mission, Catholic Action for Faith and Family relies on prayers and participation from our family of Operation Storm Heaven supporters and generous donations from Faith Defenders.
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Operation Storm Heaven Faith Defender.
Conversation with Cardinal Burke - December 1, 2019
Dedicated to advancing Cardinal Burke’s apostolate and mission, Catholic Action for Faith and Family relies on prayers and participation from our family of Operation Storm Heaven supporters and generous donations from Faith Defenders.
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Operation Storm Heaven Faith Defender.
Operation Storm Heaven - November 2019
To skip to the sermon by Cardinal Raymond Burke, please move to timestamp: 9:02
The Scripture Readings for this Holy Mass:
First Reading: Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14
Responsorial Pslam: Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.
Psalm Readings: Psalms 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Second Reading: 1 John 3:1-3
Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:1-12
Help Expand Cardinal Burke's Rosary Crusade!
What are you willing to give in order to defend our Holy Catholic Faith during these most difficult times?
Pope Blessed Pius IX once said: “Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.”
We need more Rosary Warriors praying together with Cardinal Raymond Burke in order to bring forth the graces so greatly needed in our world and in the Catholic Church.
Are you willing to help Catholic Action expand our international army of Rosary Warriors?
If so, please consider stepping up and becoming a Faith Defender.
Exclusive Interview:
Cardinal Burke Explains
Plea to Pope for Clarity
November 14, 2016
Catholic Action president, Thomas McKenna, was granted the following interview with Cardinal Raymond Burke to further explain the intentions of the four cardinals and the published documents entitled “Seeking Clarity: A Plea to Untie the Knots in Amoris Laetitia." The full text is provided at the end of the interview.
Catholic Action: Your Eminence, thank you for taking the time to have this interview with us about what you have published today. The substance of the documents which you and the other Cardinals have made public is called “Dubia.” Can you please explain what Dubia means and what the presentation of Dubia involves?
Cardinal Burke: It is my pleasure to discuss these important matters with you. The title of the document is, “Seeking Clarity: A Plea to Untie the Knots in ‘Amoris Laetitia’.” It has been co-authored by four cardinals: Walter Cardinal Brandmüller, Carlo Cardinal Caffarra, Joachim Cardinal Meisner, and myself. My fellow cardinals and I are publicizing a plea that we have made to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, regarding his recent Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia. Portions of the document contain ambiguities and statements that are like knots that cannot be easily untied and are causing great confusion. Sharing the Pope’s devotion to Our Lady, Untier of Knots, we are asking him to clarify these ambiguous statements and, with the help of God, to untie some of the knotty statements of the document for the good of souls.
Read moreConversation with Cardinal Burke - October 2019
To watch His Eminence address the Amazon Synod, click here.
Dedicated to advancing Cardinal Burke’s apostolate and mission, Catholic Action for Faith and Family relies on prayers and participation from our family of Operation Storm Heaven supporters and generous donations from Faith Defenders.
Won't you prayerfully consider becoming an
Operation Storm Heaven Faith Defender.
Continuity or Rupture
St Vincent of Lerins (died circa 445 AD), in a letter cited in the Church’s Office of Readings, (Friday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Times), asks and answers the question about whether there can be any “development of Religion in the Church.” Can there be what we might call a development of doctrine? Can the teaching of the Church change in any way?
St Vincent says Yes, “But it must truly be development of the faith, not alteration of the faith.” “Development,” the Saint writes, “means that each thing expands to be itself, while alteration means that a thing is changed from one thing to another.”
Perhaps one example of this authentic development would be the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. At the Last Supper Jesus Christ gave Himself – His Body and Blood – to the Apostles. He told them, “Do this in memory of me,” and He consummated this complete gift of Himself in the Crucifixion and Death on Calvary, and in His Resurrection.
The Mass – as recorded in the acts of the Apostles, the New Testament Epistles, and the early apostolic writings of the Fathers of the Church - ‘developed’ to include readings from the Sacred Scriptures, and the Prayer of the Priest who says the very words of Christ, and what is called the ‘the Breaking of Bread,’ and distribution of the Holy Communion.
Read morePortolá 250 - Santa Barbara
Mission Stop 20 of 21: Queen of the Missions
Mission stop #20 on our 21 Mission in 21 Days tour was one filled with history and awe. Named after a legendary martyred church figure of the 3rd century, Santa Bárbara commands a striking view of the Pacific Ocean from position on the hill.
Upon our arrival, Fr. Dan from Mission Santa Barbara had prepared for us beforehand to pray in the Olive Garden where their Stations of the Cross were located. Initially, we were met with a small group of rosary partners and we set up in the shade of Station 4: Jesus Meets His Mother, an appropriate stop for sure as we prayed the rosary.
Read moreConversation with Cardinal Burke - Addressing the Amazon Synod
Dedicated to advancing Cardinal Burke’s apostolate and mission, Catholic Action for Faith and Family relies on prayers and participation from our family of Operation Storm Heaven supporters and generous donations from Faith Defenders.
Won't you prayerfully consider becoming an
Operation Storm Heaven Faith Defender.