Operation Storm Heaven - February 2024 Livestream
The Holy Mass is scheduled to begin at 7:00AM in Rome, Italy.
Stand by following the Mass for the Holy Rosary.
“Never was so much owed by so many to so few.”
~ Sir Winston Churchill
Dear friends,
I am writing to thank you for your continued support for Catholic Action for Faith and Family and our mission.
I also want to take this opportunity to express gratitude to the priests that offer Holy Masses for Catholic Action, as well as the hundreds of priests, deacons and other religious communities of nuns that always pray and offer sacrifices for our intentions.
It is through your generosity that we have been able in every season to expand our efforts to uphold, defend, and support the Catholic Faith and the Catholic Family. Laying down markers for the plans for 2024 and beyond, Catholic Action for Faith and Family is poised over the next 3-5 years, to have perhaps its most significant and highest impact years since its founding. We will need to always remain vigilant and operate at the highest level to achieve our vision. We will also rely on your monetary support.
While 2023 has been a tumultuous year and arguably one the darkest times in recent history, it appears vast crises have been simply deferred to 2024. The tension is in the air as news is awash with dire predictions; and by all accounts, the post-Covid world is ill-equipped to respond since it is exhausted, divided and ultimately more fraught with divisions than it has been for decades.
EACH YEAR, we take stock of what we have done and what still remains to be done. Yet, this year is different. Why? Because we have reached a crossroads as a society and in the Church itself. The world has formally gotten lost in the rudderless swings of false information, polarization, and relativistic morality, where one’s ideas of what is right is what a person considers to be right, regardless of the truth.
Meanwhile, there is no doubt the past year demonstrated an array of forces acting in direct opposition to our faith. Exacerbating problems, our Church continues to experience the symptoms of self-destruction. Altogether, this is hastening a tide that is receding and pulling much of what we love out to sea. As an example, Sunday Holy Mass attendance, as a rough and minimal indicator of the spiritual commitment of Catholics has dropped to 17%.
Yes, our work is cut out for us, but we are built for this! Therefore, for Catholic Action for Faith and Family,
It’s Not a Matter of ‘If’, It’s a Matter of ‘What’s Next’
In mid-November in California, I had the opportunity to meet with Cardinal Burke to discuss plans and activities for Catholic Action for 2024. The tone of these discussions was one of comfort and encouragement that the faithful can and will prosper in the midst of chaos brought on by a world where uncertainty is the new normal.
Overshadowing these plans was a New Imperative stated by His Eminence that only the truth of Christ, as it is handed down to us in the unchanging and unchangeable doctrine and discipline of the Church can effectively address the challenges of today. This light of truth will uncover the ideologies at work in our world and correct the deadly confusion, error and division it is propagating in the world and in the Mystical Body of Christ.
At some point in life, we all must come to understand that anything worth having is worth fighting for. If we have a hope, destiny, dream, business, marriage, vision, or any aspiration we would like to see happen, we are often going to have to fight for it. We must be about our mission of being Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord.
Marching forward, we must come to terms with the reality that the Christian life is essentially missionary. In this regard, Cardinal Burke exhorted us by saying, “If we truly believe in Christ, if we truly live in Him, we will desire to share our faith, the life of Christ within us, with others, both those near and those far away.”
My fellow warriors, in other words, the time for hiding behind church walls is over. Together with His Eminence, I’m issuing a battle cry for faithful Catholics to stop playing defense and go on the offensive. We will storm heaven like never before to recapture spheres of influence FOR THE KINGDOM!
To achieve our objectives, Cardinal Burke went on to stress, “Today, as in every time of her history, the Church must employ all of the most efficacious means to preach the Gospel to the greatest number of persons.”
In short, Catholic Action for Faith and Family intends to mobilize a robust set of plans designed to usher in a new era of dialogue and formation intent on upholding, defending and supporting the Catholic Faith and the Catholic Family.
We are going to need perseverance and courage for the fight. One profile in courage I am reminded of at this time is that of British prime minister Winston Churchill who was rehearsing for what became a famous wartime speech while traveling in a car with Major General Hastings Ismay.
When he came to the famous sentence, “Never in the history of mankind have so many owed so much to so few”, Ismay said, “What about Jesus and his disciples?” “Good old Pug,” said Winston, who immediately changed the wording to “Never in the field of human conflict…”
Describing the efforts of the Allied aircrews of The Royal Air Force (RAF), Churchill’s speech is also remembered for the use of “the few” and describing their heroic efforts also reflected Great Britain’s decision to continue the war with an inflexible resolve.
Inspired by this resolve, I too am writing today asking for your support and to join me in making the same decision as we prepare to fight the good fight of faith and for our Church that we love.
The reality is the 21st century is indeed a moral and spiritual battlefield of immense proportions. This battle is often hidden, but the battle is real and is progressively killing the remaining Christian ethos in our society and culture, and even in our homes.
We NEED Divine help and we NEED EACH OTHER!
With your dedicated support, together with that of our family of souls, both ‘clergy and laity’ standing and fighting side-by-side, Catholic Action intends to lead the way.
Your valuable assistance to our work at Catholic Action for Faith and Family is vital to our mission: “to strive to uphold and defend Christian values inspired by the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.”
It is through your generosity that we have been able, in every season, to continually expand our efforts to mobilize the active participation of the laity in the apostolate of the Church under the guidance of our Patron and Shepherd, Cardinal Burke.
Prior to outlining achievements for the year and our ambitious set of plans moving forward, please allow me to make an observation.
We know there is a revolution afoot, and the true solution lies in mounting a counterrevolution inspired by hope. As members of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church we know there have been times of great despair, confusion, misguidance and worse. But we also know that at such times we must confront them with heroic acts of Faith, Hope and Charity, the three theological virtues.
Catholic Action for Faith and Family Poised to Mount a Counter-Revolution!
If 2023 was a year of hope, 2024 presents us an opportunity to move well beyond resolutions to mission. When the mission is strong and the marching orders are clear, it allows us to focus and plan not only for our present work, but for the future. We do so with clear vision that there are assembled forces seeking to undermine the validity of any conventional institution. Anarchy, destruction of property, grave injustices, and even murder have become rampant in many of our cities.
But you and I know these are not the only tragedies of our times.
Never in all history have we seen evil promoted so blatantly and true goodness mocked and rejected.
Never have we seen sacredness profaned and the profane “sanctified” by public endorsement.
Traditionally hidden in the dark sea of human sin and error, the enemy now is,
- Walking tall and out in the open celebrating in the public forum, the killing of the pre-born - demanding that innocent babies in the womb be aborted – some states have legalized abortions up to birth.
- Launching radical attacks on the family including our own Catholic president signing the respect of marriage act, the promotion of transgenderism, the mutilation of children and other procedures and medications that destroy the natural body.
- Continuing to advance the widespread acceptance of the sexual revolution.
- Cultivating the loss of Faith through the spread of confusion and secularism – to name just a few of the moral tragedies.
- Halting Traditional Latin Masses in parish communities that were well attended and growing.
- The push for the acceptance of same-sex unions and the scandalous blessing of same-sex couples that attempts to reaffirm the Church's traditional teaching on marriage while at the same time undermining it.
For 17 years, Catholic Action for Faith and Family has diligently battled on the front lines to spread the Hope and Light of Christ amid the darkness and confusion of our times. We have helped to restore hope in countless souls and gathered together a spiritual army of Rosary Warriors across the globe.
As Heaven’s change agents, the family of supporters at Catholic Action for Faith and Family and its worldwide army of Rosary Warriors have been shown to be ones who refuse to give up, even when it feels like all hope has disappeared. When society seems overwhelmed by negativity and decay, we are committed to being beacons of light where there used to be only darkness, never giving into fear or despairing at what may happen next because they know that no matter how dark things become—as long as someone still stands for truth—then there is hope for an alternative outcome.
You can serve as a source of hope and light as well as a reminder that families are not alone in their darkest moments. Please make a donation today.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous support throughout 2023 that made this possible! Thanks to your generosity, 2023 has been a year of great accomplishments. We have revitalized our Operation Storm Heaven program in significant ways and gained real traction across our other programs this year. By…
- Printing and mailing Cardinal Burke’s book Deny Holy Communion? to 41,000 US Priests and Deacons – both active and retired, 390 Bishops, including Archbishops and Cardinals, as well as, 750 of the Eastern Rite After the media announcement, Vicar Generals, Judicial Vicars, Canon Lawyers and other priests from four continents requested copies. Numerous donations came for seminarians’ books. Many men, studying for the priesthood, requested copies from around the world.
- Collaborating with Sophia Press Institute to launch Respecting the Body and Blood of the Lord, the laity’s version of Deny Holy Communion? setting the worldwide media abuzz.
- Designing tailored public relations campaigns to engage all levels of media earning national earned media.
- Expanding our officer corps of leading prelates contributing to the legacy of Cardinal Burke’s led Operation Storm Heaven movement;
- Upgrading our web platform architecture and video production qualities to efficiently deliver optimum sound and lighting;
- Facilitating interaction with Rosary Warriors to help us better understand your ongoing prayer intentions and concerns; providing meditations and prayers as well as an opportunity to submit intentions for Feast Day Holy Masses; Special Note: One of the most rewarding things is to hear the countless testimonials of how prayer intentions added to Catholic Action activities have been answered.
- Continuing monthly broadcasts for Rosary Warriors to participate in the Holy Mass and Rosary on the first of each month with His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Burke across their favorite platforms such as Facebook Live or YouTube;
- Inauguration of the Catholic Action Insight Interview Series with Thomas McKenna, which included invigorating discussions with Fr. John Trigilio, PhD, KGCO, Karl Keating, Founder of Catholic Answers and Charles Limandri, Founder of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, and subject matter experts such as Dr. Edward Short who joined for in-depth series on the life and legacy of St. John Henry Cardinal Newman,
- Third Annual May 13 Broadcast Live: Marian Holy Hour and May Crowing of Our Lady, presided by Bishop Bejarano of the diocese of San Diego;
- Took on difficult issues facing our world and the Church with our episodes of ‘Conversations with Cardinal Burke’.
- Enlisting 62,172 new Rosary Warriors bringing the spiritual army of Rosary Warriors to just under 330,000- across platforms worldwide.
- Reaching more than 7.4 million people with extensive online marketing for the Operation Storm Heaven Rosary Crusade
It is your generosity that makes this possible!
Planning for the Path Forward!
Planning for 2024, I have been consulting in detail for many months, including a sit down in California this November with Cardinal Burke and others about setting proper and high-impact goals for the upcoming year in light of the increasing confusion and struggles mentioned above.
His Eminence stressed there was no choice but for all those that love the Church and the truths of the Faith to once again redouble their efforts. Cardinal Burke exhorted the faithful by saying,
“My response is simple: Pray with all your heart and give witness to the truths of the Faith in the Church and in the world.”
Considering the rapid escalation of confusion, error, and division, our agenda for 2024 could very well be the most important and certainly the most aggressive undertaking since our founding in 2006. This is why we are asking for an All-Hands, All-In effort.
Help us reach more souls with Hope and Light in 2024
2024 Featured Goals:
- NEW in 2024: Launch brand new Catholic Action Podcast hosted by Thomas McKenna where he brings together in his unique way leading prelates and subject matter experts to usher in a new era of compelling dialogue and formation.
- NEW in 2024: Release Cardinal Burke’s Homily Cast where we mine for treasures and make the homilies His Eminence gives when he offers the monthly Operation Storm Heaven Holy Masses readily available.
- Revitalized in 2024: Full year schedule of the favorite Conversations with Cardinal Burke monthly broadcasts where he answers your questions and shares so many exceptional insights across a variety of topics.
- Increasing the spiritual army of Rosary Warriors by our greatest increase to date “125,000” as we strive toward our ultimate milestone goal of 1 million Rosary Warriors.
- Improving our media syndication and reaching the next-level with the production quality of our livestream broadcast of the Operation Storm Heaven Mass and Rosary and further engage and broaden our audience internationally.
- Holding a series of Diocesan-sponsored public Storm Heaven Events for all Rosary Warriors, leaving no participating parish or parishioner behind. Rolling-out our Faithful Echoes of the Eucharist conferences expanding our grassroots reach of the Faithful Echo program to include Diocesan-sponsored Faithful Echoes of the Eucharist tours (stay tuned for details and announcements of joint conferences for bishops, priests, and laity in second quarter of 2024).
- During an election year, providing voter guidance and initiating High-impact engagement of all Catholic clergy and lay leadership in mounting an authoritative response to self-proclaimed Catholic public figures. (Again, stay tuned for this one)!
- Promoting and assisting faithful clergy to uphold the teachings of the Church through extensive online marketing and outreach program. Goal is to expand our reach 2.8 million Catholics.
- Usher in a new era of cooperation and formation continuing our campaigns and Library Development program reaching offline and online every US Priest, Bishop, Cardinal, and Deacon reminding them of their charitable duty to inform Catholics they are not a Catholic in good standing if they openly support and promote abortion and homosexuality.
- (NEW 2024 PROGRAM) ─ St. GIANNA HOME APOSTLATE & ENSHRINEMENT CEREMONY & PROGRAM, dedicated solely to strengthening the domestic Church under the patronage of St. Gianna Beretta Molla. Among the many and wonderful gifts which God gives to us in the Church, one of the most treasured is the friendship of saints who have gone before us, following Christ with heroic Faith, Hope, and Charity.
Above all, stay tuned and be ready to get involved when we lay out a robust program for each quarter of the new year that will serve as the foundation for families to come together to consecrate themselves under the protection of their patron, Saint Gianna.
Our Primary 2024 Challenge: To engage and activate the faithful laity to step out of their comfort zones and support each of our faithful priests in strengthening the Church.
The laity help our clergy by providing them with the instructions, resources, and encouragement they need to stand up for Christ and the teaching of our Church in the public forum. This applies especially to the issue of charitably withholding Holy Communion from politicians and other public figures who claim to be Catholic yet publicly promote abortion and homosexuality.
Donate Now to make this happen!
- $45 will reach 1000 Catholics to join Operation Storm Heaven Rosary Crusade;
- $167 will enlighten and remind 2500 Catholics that supporting a pro-abortion politician is a mortal sin;
- $500 will put critical instructions and materials in production now to support the challenge described above onto the desks of 50 carefully selected leaders;
- $1,000 will fuel our online promotions of the new podcast and widely disseminating the treasury of Cardinal Burke’s Homily Cast.
Your investment in Catholic Action is an investment in the future of the Church, the future of our country, the future of your loved ones and the future of Christian Civilization.
With your rare breed of hope, you are a light for us! You are a light in the lives of the thousands of people who owe their perseverance in the Faith to your generosity.
Your Generous Gift will transform the lives and the hearts of millions.
We are truly blessed to have you as part of the Catholic Action Family. I ask that you help us continue to shine light and unleash the power of Catholic hope throughout our country and our world. We depend on YOU!
May the Divine Infant Jesus through His Holy Mother Mary and St. Joseph bless you and your loved ones with many graces and blessings now and throughout the Christmas Season!
Thank you for all that you do!
Surrounded by the radiating love of the Infant King,
Your friend in Christ,
Thomas J. McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action
P.S. Thank you for your generous gift! It will help us sustain and expand our mission and programs designed to restore our society to its foundation of Christian order, virtuous living, and the pursuit of God’s eternal kingdom.
Marian Holy Hour: May Crowning Ceremony 2023 LIVE
Bishop Ramon Bejarano presided at this inspiring Marian event to commemorate the 106th anniversary of the first Fatima Apparition. A replica of the International Fatima Statue entered in procession. Mary was crowned, hymns were sung, the Rosary recited, as well as Our Lady’s litany and much more.
Operation Storm Heaven - May 2023 Livestream
Please return here for the Operation Storm Heaven May 2023 livestream!
The Mass will begin at 7:00 AM, Monday, May 1. (Local time in Rome, Italy)
Be sure to stay tuned after the Mass for the Holy Rosary!
Operation Storm Heaven - January 2023
Stay tuned after the Holy Mass for the Rosary with Cardinal Burke!
Operation Storm Heaven - November 2022 Livestream!
Please return here for Cardinal Burke's Holy Mass (live streamed) from the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
November 1, 2022 scheduled to begin @ 7:00 AM Central Standard Time – Holy Mass Live, followed by a pre-recorded video of Cardinal Burke praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary in Latin.