Thank You! - Catholic Action For Faith and Family

Thank you for Pledging Holy Mass and Rosary for Operation Storm Heaven!

As a Catholic Priest, you are not only a valiant Rosary Warrior, but an officer amongst the troops, leading the flock by unleashing the infinite graces of the Holy Mass to aid souls during today's most difficult struggles.

For your Christ-like dedication, I salute you!

During this time of crisis and as the world shifts from the physical presence of the church to a feeling of being alone, our prayers are more needed than ever. It reminds me of a favorite statement made in a wartime speech made by the British prime minister on 20 August 1940.

“Never was so much owed by so many to so few.”

~Sir Winston Churchill

You have joined an army of over 151,000 strong faithful Catholics. Collectively, we call our mission, Operation Storm Heaven. The aim of Operation Storm Heaven is that all of us together beseech God and Our Blessed Mother for mercy.

During the Corona Virus pandemic, our country and the world are in need of so much mercy from God! And, now more than ever, we need to unite all lay faithful and clergy together with our prayers to storm Heaven and obtain a cascade of Mercy upon the world.

To learn more about Operation Storm Heaven, I ask that you please click here to read a personal message from Cardinal Burke to all new Rosary Warriors! He outlines for you the goals of Operation Storm Heaven and how you can benefit as a Rosary Warrior.

Click here to hear Cardinal Burke’s personal message to you


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