Storm Heaven against Covid-19 Priests - Catholic Action For Faith and Family

(**Please note that this page is for Catholic bishops and priests only! If you are not a Catholic Bishop or priest, please proceed to Rosary Pledge page by clicking here**)

Mass Pledge

Dear Bishops and Fathers,

This is an unprecedented time in our history. The Faithful must unite as one, and we need you to lead us!

God has called you and set you apart from the rest of the Faithful to the unique vocation of being a Catholic Priest.

As you know, the work of the laity is very important to the Church, but Our Lord has appointed you among many to continue His sacrificial work in a specially unique way. Only through you, a Catholic Priest, can the Faithful receive the infinite graces of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! 

“Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchiz′edek.” - St. Paul (Hebrews 7:17)

"The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus. When you see a priest, think of our Lord Jesus Christ." - St. John Vianney

Just as you pray the words of the Consecration in Persona Chrisiti, in the Person of Christ, you are called to reflect Our Lord in all circumstances, especially during this Corona Virus pandemic.

Many poor souls are giving into despair during this difficult time. Our Catholic faith teaches that fear is an enemy to hope; therefore, we Faithful Catholics need you to take the lead and guide us in being lights to the world and shining examples of hope to those around us!

We need you to unleash the infinite graces of the Holy Sacrifice, in union with Cardinal Raymond Burke's Holy Mass and with the prayers of 151,000 Rosary Warriors worldwide, so that millions of souls may be strengthened during this time of great trial.

Photo Credit: Lifesite News & Voice of the Family

On April 1st, please include these intentions in your celebration of Holy Mass and in your Rosary Intentions:

1. For all who have died of the Coronavirus.

2. For all who are currently afflicted by this disease in any form.

3. For all family members of those who have died and caregivers of those who are sick or suffering.

4. For the leaders of nations.

5. For all medical personnel and healthcare assistants.

6. For all suppliers of needed pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and supplies.

7. For clergy, religious, and all spiritual care providers.

8. For all who have been negatively impacted by the economic effects of the prolonged shutdown.

9. For all children and vulnerable elderly.

10. For everyone in the world whose lives have been affected by the Coronavirus in any way.


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