OPERATION STORM HEAVEN endorsement letter from Judie Brown, President of American Life League
Dear Friends,
In the battle to overwhelm the culture of death by building a culture of life it goes without saying that our first line of defense is prayer. Clearly, from a historical perspective alone, that prayer should and must be the Rosary for the battle we wage is for the souls of those who have been tempted by Satan to buy the anti-life lies.
At Fatima the Blessed Mother, our mother, said "Recite the rosary every day to obtain the peace for the world and the end of the war." (http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/why-the-world-needs-the-rosary1)
It is in keeping with the Blessed Mother’s request that American Life League is honored to endorse the effort Raymond Cardinal Burke has initiated with the Operation Storm Heaven Campaign.
The Rosary is the one thing that we should pray each day in our efforts to bring the peace of Christ through the intercession of His Blessed Mother, our mother, to a world desperately in need of hope during this war on innocent human beings, born and preborn.
We thank Cardinal Burke for encouraging us to “be courageous”, and “stand fast with sure Hope!”
Prayerfully in Him,
Judie Brown