Day Two Novena Invoking Our Lady and St. Gianna Molla
Blessed are the Meek
St. Gianna touches the hearts and souls of people of the 21st century because she courageously dealt with problems we encounter in this Culture of Death. Gianna directly, and with maternal love, overthrew the deceptive arguments erected against life when she implored her husband and doctors, “If you decide between me and the baby, do not hesitate. Choose, and I require it, the baby. Save the baby.”
“‘Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth’. The Greek word for meek has a twofold meaning at once as strong as iron, yet as gentle as a feather. Jesus describes meekness as being ‘wise as serpents and gentle as doves.’ St. Francis de Sales further elucidates meekness when he says ‘there is nothing as strong as true meekness, there is nothing as gentle as true strength.’”
- “St. Augustine On the Beatitudes,” by Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg
Let us ask St. Gianna to help bolster our resolve
to practice the Beatitudes in our daily lives.
Novena Prayer to St. Gianna
(Composed by His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke)
Saint Gianna, heroically Christlike wife, mother and physician, I ask the help of your prayers, as I strive to follow your holy example in my physical and spiritual trials.
Help me, by your prayers, to recognize the suffering of the Cross as the way to pure and selfless love of God and my neighbor. May your practice of medicine with priestly care of both body and soul inspire physicians to see the Face of the suffering Christ in their patients.
May your loving acceptance of illness and death help patients to know and do God's will in all things, uniting their sufferings to the Passion and Death of Christ for the salvation of the world.
Saint Gianna, pray for us always that we may have a heart, meek and courageous, like the Heart of Jesus, in Whom we find our healing and strength.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord. AMEN
Invoking the Aid of Our Lady
O Virgin of Montserrat, most merciful Mother, heart of love, heart of compassion, who always listens and comforts us and attends to our prayers. As your children, we implore your mediation before your son Jesus. He always receives our needs when you present them to Him on our behalf. We bring to you, dearest Virgin Mother of God our petitions and lay them at your feet. (Mention your intentions now and especially that many graces be bestowed upon Cardinal Burke.) Help us, loving Mother, to carry our burdens in this life until we reach a share in eternal glory and peace with God. AMEN
Our Lady of Montserrat, pray for us!
St. Gianna Beretta Molla,
Pray for us!