Your intentions have been received.
As we all know, the United States exercises great influence throughout the world, for good or for evil!
And as California goes, so goes the Nation!
Thank you so much for your generous gift and for joining us in spirit as we retrace the footsteps of St. Junípero Serra and the many missionaries who brought the true Catholic Faith to California!
Let us continue to pray for the conversion of California, the conversion of the United States, and the conversion of the world. And let us always remember in our prayers the many loved ones who have fallen away. That they may return to the path that leads to Heaven.
I will be praying for you and your loved ones at each of the 21 Missions that we visit on our pilgrimage to revive the missionary zeal that our world and the Church so desperately need!
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Thomas J. McKenna
President and Founder