Mother of Sorrows Day 7 - Catholic Action For Faith and Family


O Mary, Mother of Sorrows, though your soul was filled with grief, you valiantly stood beneath the cross and did not abandon Jesus, as the disciples did and remained with Him until His death. We pray to you in anguish and beg for God’s mercy, as wars, conflicts and violence rage across the world, most especially the wars still going on between Israel-Hamas and Ukraine-Russia. May every hostage, whose intense suffering is unbearable, be freed. Please keep watch over those who are fearing for their lives as bombs are exploding. You are the haven of the ship-wrecked, be near to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one killed by the senseless tragedy of war.

Do not forsake our prayers for those who have died, especially the souls who are suffering in purgatory, all Bishops who attended the USCCB Fall Meeting, for many graces to be bestowed upon our beloved Cardinal Burke, as well as our own personal petitions that we place before you.

Your Son Jesus suffered and died so that all of mankind might be saved and brought to eternal happiness.  Through the agony of His Crown of Thorns, we ask you, to offer it, on our behalf, to the Eternal Father, so that our pleas will be heard for further mercy on the souls of: 

Those who died of a sudden illness, Jesus Mary and Joseph, My Jesus Mercy

Those who suffered and died of lingering illnesses, Jesus Mary and Joseph, My Jesus Mercy

Those who died without the last rites of the Church, Jesus Mary and Joseph, My Jesus Mercy

Those who shall die within the next twenty-four hours, Jesus Mary and Joseph, My Jesus Mercy

Those who procured abortions or aborted their children, Jesus Mary and Joseph, My Jesus Mercy

Those who promoted or practiced contraception, Jesus Mary and Joseph, My Jesus Mercy

Those who gave scandal, especially to children, Jesus Mary and Joseph, My Jesus Mercy

My own poor soul when I shall have to appear before Thy judgment seat, Jesus Mary and Joseph, My Jesus Mercy

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let the perpetual light shine upon them. 

O Mary, Queen of the Clergy, you have a special place in your heart for those whom Your Son called to the Royal Priesthood, we now ask you to wrap your mantle around all Bishops who attended the USCCB Fall Meeting. Ask your Son Jesus to fill them with the fire of His love, to set them ablaze for Holy Mother Church, as if their lives depended on it. May they draw closer to the Sacred Heart of Christ in the Eucharist and be granted a deeper faith. Give them wisdom as they seek to do God’s will. Since they are earthly vessels, may they not stumble in their weaknesses or invoke false compassion. In their afflictions, let them never be crushed, and in persecution, may they never be abandoned. By the power of The Holy Spirit, may they eagerly serve the Church for the greater glory of God. AMEN. 

Dearest Mother, so much grief and anguish has filled your heart, yet you are the mirror of patience, the medicine for the sick and the strength for the weak. You bring comfort to the afflicted and are the anchor of confidence. We ask you to look upon your faithful servant, Cardinal Raymond Burke and continue to bestow many graces upon him. Since you are the treasure of the faithful and a loving, compassionate Mother, filled with immense love for us, we ask that you take our personal petitions to your Son, Jesus now. (Beg for peace in the world, mention all your intentions, including the names of those living and deceased that you have submitted for the Holy Masses, as well as the needs of Cardinal Burke.) Keep me close to you now and at the hour of my death. AMEN.

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