Storm Heaven Testimonial Page - Catholic Action For Faith and Family

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If You Have Had Prayers Answered or Special Graces Received Through Operation Storm Heaven, We Would Love to Hear About It!


Impact of Your Testimonial:

Hope and gratitude go hand in hand. In the darkest hour when all seems lost, we ask Our Heavenly Mother with hope to hear our prayer. In her abundant generosity, like a mother with her child, she cannot withstand our pain and sorrow and will always come to our aid. It is with gratitude that our hands fold to thank the Queen of Heaven for her intercession with our lives, our family and our friends.

Cardinal Raymond Burke's global Rosary Crusade to storm Heaven with prayer is not only one of hope but of gratitude, especially for those like you who have heeded the call to serve Our Lady more abundantly. Your witness today of a grace received can inspire hope as well in many Catholics who need encouragement. It is this hope that you and I seek to share in seeking faithful souls to enroll as Rosary Warriors in Operation Storm Heaven.

Your testimonial of gratitude serves to reinforce hope in those who share with us the belief in this noble cause to storm Heaven for the graces so greatly needed in our world and our Church. It is a rally cry of Faith to enlist more Rosary Warriors so that together with a million strong and beyond we will eventually bring about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

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