Mass for Sri Lankan Martyrs - Catholic Action For Faith and Family

“The Blood of the Martyrs is the Seed of the Church.”

Yes, I agree we cannot let the martyrdom of Catholics half way around the world slip by as just an “incident” to be swept under the media rug!

Ishara S. Kodikara/AFP/Getty Images


Please count me in! I wish to join you to honor the Sri Lankan Catholic heroes of Faith.

Along with thousands of Rosary Warriors who are coming together for this Catholic action, I will join you spiritually on May 13th, Feast of the First Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, as you lay a wreath of flowers at the feet of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima.


Please know that I will also be uniting in spirit at the same time with Cardinal Burke’s Mass honoring the martyrs and I will be praying together in the intentions set out as follows:

  • For the repose of the souls of the those martyred in Sri Lanka.
  • Through the spilt blood of the martyrs of Sri Lanka ask God to provide extraordinary grace to bring back to the Catholic Faith any family members of Rosary Warriors who have left the Catholic Church.
  • To bless and protect all Rosary Warriors and intercede for their personal intentions.
  • To beseech Our Lady of Fatima to stay the hand of God’s wrath while we gather together more Rosary Warriors to spread devotion to the Rosary for the conversion of sinners as she asked.
  • To beseech God to restore His grace in the world today.

Please submit your own personal intentions below:

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