I urge you to support the efforts of America Needs Fatima, American TFP, LifeSiteNews.com, and the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, et al., to urge and exhort YouTube immediately remove all videos depicting the desecration of purported Catholic hosts.
Currently, forty videos are online showing the blasphemous sacrilege against the Most Holy Eucharist. We urge YouTube to show the same respect and decency it recently extended to our Jewish brothers and sisters when a similar incident occurred that greatly offended the children of Abraham. YouTube removed a video showing a teenager urinating on the Holocaust memorial in Rhodes, Greece. It was taken down on August 27th, 2008, after five days of protests from Jewish communities around the world. Sadly, the same response has not been extended to Catholic Christians as the offensive videos showing desecration of the Eucharist have been up for more than two months. One of these forty videos shows a host being flushed down the toilet.
Another video shows someone literally absconding from a Catholic Mass with a Host in his possession. The ease with which persons can take Holy Communion since the option to receive in the hand was introduced in the late 20th century, and the subsequent acts of desecration and sacrilege, make it paramount that our bishops seriously consider revoking this method.
Restricting reception to Communion on the Tongue and disallowing in the Hand is but one needed remedy. Greater reverence for the Blessed Sacrament will be enhanced not only by removing reception in the hand but also by encouraging the posture of kneeling as well. Placing the Tabernacle back in the center of our church sanctuaries is another solid sign of great reverence and belief in the Real Presence. You and I can and should contact YouTube and politely and respectfully ask them to remove these offensive, hateful and repugnant videos JUST AS THEY REMOVED the equally abhorrent video desecrating the Jewish Holocaust memorial.
We can also show more reverence ourselves to the Blessed Sacrament by voluntarily extending our Eucharistic fast from one hour to three hours before receiving Holy Communion. Some brave souls may even want to observe the more ancient practice of fasting from midnight onward. At least the three hour fast will be noticeable (to ourselves, i.e.). Making weekly Holy Hours of reparation either before the exposed Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance or before the Tabernacle. Kneel or genuflect each time you receive Holy Communion and on the tongue (all of which are valid and licit options, by the way.) Deo volente (God willing), our good example and deep reverence will encourage others to do likewise. And by all means pray for the deluded, deranged and desperate souls who are committing these vile acts of sacrilege.
May God have mercy on their souls and may they soon repent.