Day 1: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
Having lived in our era, St. Gianna knew well the threats in our times to holiness, and sought to be a wife who was truly “poor in spirit.” Battling the spirit of materialism and trusting in God’s providence, she related, “With God’s help and blessing, we will do all we can to make our new family a little cenacle, where Jesus will reign over our affections, desires and actions.”
“‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’ To be poor in spirit is not to be materially impoverished, but to be humble. St. Augustine explains that ‘whoever is puffed up is not poor in spirit.’ The poor in spirit are not weak; they are strong enough to be detached from the material riches of this world.”
- “St. Augustine On the Beatitudes,” by Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg
Let us ask St. Gianna to help bolster our resolve
to practice the Beatitudes in our daily lives.
Novena Prayer to St. Gianna
St. Gianna Beretta Molla,
Pray for us!