Now is the moment to stand for the Catholic Faith and the Catholic Family! - Catholic Action For Faith and Family

Now is the moment to stand for the Catholic Faith and the Catholic Family!

I am writing this letter to thank you for your continued support for Catholic Action Faith and Family and our mission.  

It is through your generosity that in these difficult times of spiritual isolation, we can expand our efforts to uphold, defend and support the Catholic Faith and the Catholic Family.  

2020 has been a tumultuous year and arguably one the darkest and most challenging times in recent history. Meanwhile, there is a revolution afoot that seeks to undermine the validity of any conventional institution. We see anarchy, destruction of property, grave injustices and even murder becoming rampant in many of our cities.  

But you and I know these are not the only tragedies of our times. 

Never in all history have we seen evil promoted so blatantly and true goodness mocked and rejected.  

Never have we seen sacredness profaned, and the profane “sanctified.”  

Traditionally hidden in the dark sea of human sin and error, the enemy now is, 

  • walking tall and out in the open celebrating in the public forum the massacre of millions of innocent children through abortion, 
  • Launching radical attacks on the family including the legalization of same-sex marriage and the promotion of transgenderism, 
  • cultivating the loss of Faith through the spread of confusion and secularism - to name just a few of the moral tragedies.  

You can serve as a source of hope and light as well as a reminder that families are not alone in their darkest moments. Make a donation today.

A wake-up call! 

We need to wake up to the fact there is a multi-pronged, threat being waged against us and this revolution is taking place right in front of our eyes. Our Catholic Faith represents the sole force capable of resisting these forces; yet, even the Catholic Church is suffering from confusion and darkness as so many Catholics are losing their Faith and straying from the path that leads to Heaven. 

There is no shortage of alarming statistics to demonstrate the repercussions of this confusion. Just a few include: 

  • 37% of Catholics are considering leaving the Church due to the sexual abuse scandal. 
  • 45.3% of US Catholics attend Mass once per month and only 21.1% attend Mass every week. 
  • 69% of Catholics do NOT believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
  • And on and on... 

For 14 years, Catholic Action for Faith and Family has diligently battled on the front lines to support and spread the Hope and Light of Christ amid the darkness and confusion of our times. We have helped to restore hope in countless souls and, together, gathered a spiritual army of Rosary Warriors across the globe. Your donation makes a difference!

Thank you so much for your generous support throughout 2020 that made this possible! 

Due to your generosity, 2020 has been a year of great accomplishments. We have revitalized our Operation Storm Heaven program by: 

  • Upgrading our web platforms and video production qualities to deliver optimum sound and lighting. 
  • Facilitate interaction with Rosary Warriors to help us better understand your ongoing prayer intentions and concerns.  
  • Continuing monthly broadcasts for Rosary Warriors to participate in the Mass and Rosary on the 1st of the month with His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Burke across their favorite platforms such as Facebook Live or YouTube. 
  • Enlisting 47,000 new Rosary Warriors that brings the spiritual army of Rosary Warriors to almost 200,000 - across platforms worldwide 
  • Reaching 5,152,121 people with extensive online marketing for Operation Storm Heaven Rosary Crusade 

It is your generosity that makes this possible! 

2020 also saw a phenomenon take place when Catholic Action for Family’s Conversations with Cardinal Burke provided Catholic Voting Guidance for the 2020 Election. Following in-depth analysis, we saw the average Catholic in the pew gravitating toward mainstream moral and ethical voter guidelines. Once again as a good shepherd, Cardinal Burke, with moral courage and intellect, refused the temptation to be a spectator and provided the clarity we needed to give great witness for our Catholic Faith in the public forum; more importantly, it helped to deepen all our insights into how our faith must inform every area of our life.  
There were many takeaways from the conversation with His Eminence, but in short, he stated, “I can’t imagine that any Catholic wouldn’t know that abortion is a grievous sin; but if they don’t, once they’ve been told then they either have to cease to support abortion or accept the fact they are not a Catholic in good standing.”   

Since the episode aired Sep. 29, a media frenzy and rolling conversation ignited across major US media and political arenas giving a voice to millions of Catholics everywhere who were hungering to hear a true teaching of the Catholic Church put forth in the public square and to the average Catholic in the pew … without ambiguity!  


Planning for the Path Forward! 

Planning for 2021, I consulted in detail for many months with Cardinal Burke about setting proper and high-impact goals in light of the increasing confusion and struggles mentioned above. His Eminence stressed there was no choice but for all those that love the Church and the truths of the Faith to double their efforts. Cardinal Burke exhorted the faithful by saying,  

“my response is simple: Pray with all your heart and give witness to the truths of the Faith in the Church and in the world.” 

Considering the rapid escalation as it relates to the confusion, error and division mentioned, our agenda for 2021 could very well be the most important and certainly the most aggressive undertaking since our founding in 2007. This is why we are asking for an All Hands, All In effort.  

Help us reach more souls with Hope and Light in 2021 

2021 Featured Goals: 

  • Increase the spiritual army of Rosary Warriors by our greatest increase to date “100,000” as we strive toward our ultimate milestone goal of 1 million Rosary Warriors 
  • Improve the production quality of the Livestream of the Operation Storm Heaven Mass and Rosary and broaden its reach internationally 
  • Hold our first public Storm Heaven Day for all Rosary Warriors, participating parishes and the public to attend 
  • Expand reach of Faithful Echo program launched in the Fall of 2019 anchored by joint conferences for priests and laity 
  • Publish Tu es Sacerdos in aeternum (You are a Priest Forever), a book by Cardinal Raymond Burke to reignite the pursuit of holiness and sacredness within the priesthood as part of the Faithful Echo Movement. Distribute this book to the 55,000+ clergy in the US and Canada
  • To promote support and cooperation with faithful clergy to uphold the teachings of the Church through extensive online marketing and outreach program. Initial goal is to reach 1 million Catholics. 
  • Usher in a new era of cooperation and formation beginning with our campaign to reach the more than 55,000 priests in the United States to remind them of their charitable duty to inform Catholics they are not a Catholic in good standing if they openly support and promote abortion and homosexuality.
  • (NEW 2021 PROGRAM) ─ St. GIANNA HOME APOSTLATE & ENSHRINEMENT CEREMONY & PROGRAM, dedicated solely to strengthening the domestic Church under the patronage of St. Gianna Beretta Molla. Among the many and wonderful gifts which God gives to us in the Church, one of the most treasured is the friendship of saints who have gone before us, following Christ with heroic faith, hope and charity. 

Stay tuned and be ready to get involved when we layout a robust program in the second quarter of the new year that will serve as the foundation for families to come together to consecrate themselves under the protection of their patron, Saint Gianna.  

The 2021 Challenge: Engage and activate faithful laity to support 55,000 priests by giving them the resources and encouraging them to stand up for Christ and charitably withhold the Holy Eucharist from politicians and other public figures who claim to be Catholic yet publicly promote abortion and homosexuality. 

Donate Now to make this happen! 

  • $16 will put Cardinal Burke’s book on Holy Priesthood into the hands of 2 priests 
  • $35 will reach 1000 Catholics to join Operation Storm Heaven Rosary Crusade 
  • $147 will enlighten and remind 2500 Catholics that supporting a pro-abortion politician is a mortal sin
  •  $1080 will put Cardinal Burke’s book on Holy Priesthood into the hands of 135 priests

Your investment in Catholic Action is an investment in the future of the Church, the future of our country, the future of your loved ones and the future of Christian Civilization. 

As we meditate during this Advent Season, we prepare for the coming of our Divine Savior on Christmas. May He who is the Light and who brought Light to the world shine Light into your soul, into your life and into the lives of others through you! 

You are a light for us! You are a light in the lives of the thousands of people who owe their hope and their perseverance in the Faith to your generosity. 

Your Generous Gift will transform the lives and the hearts of millions. 

We are truly blessed to have you as part of the Catholic Action Family. I ask that you help us continue to shine light and unleash the power of Catholic hope throughout our country and our world. We depend on YOU! 

May the Divine Infant Jesus through His Holy Mother and St. Joseph bless you and your loved ones with many graces and blessings now and throughout the Christmas Season! 

Thank you for all that you do,

Your friend in Christ, 
Thomas J. McKenna  
Founder and President 
Catholic Action 


P.S. Please respond as soon as possible with your generous donation. Help us sustain and expand our mission and programs designed to restore our society to its foundation of Christian order, virtuous living and to the pursuit of God’s eternal kingdom.



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