May Crowning Donations - Catholic Action For Faith and Family

Annual Fatima Feast Day Celebrated (In-Person and Online)

Commemorating the 107th Anniversary of Our Lady’s first appearance to the shepherd children of Fatima May 13, 1917, Catholic Action for Faith and Family together with Our Lady of Mount Carmel church in San Diego organize an annual Marian event. This year, Bishop Ramón Bejarano will offer the Holy Mass, which will be broadcast live at 5:30 PM California Time. A replica of the International Fatima Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be crowned. 

What began as a completely virtual presentation during the height of the pandemic has become an annual special Operation Storm Heaven diocesan and parish outreach initiative as well as a worldwide livestream event inspiring devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. 

Throughout 2024, we continue to witness our Church, Nation, and the World in crisis. As faithful Catholics, we know there is light at the end of the tunnel as in the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph! 

Your investment in Catholic Action is an investment in the future of the Church, the future of our country, the future of your loved ones and the future of Christian Civilization. 

Donate Now and help us recruit more Rosary Warriors praying in union with His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Burke and to expand our outreach initiatives throughout the grassroots of the Church.

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