Submit Your Questions to Cardinal Raymond Burke!
Thank you for helping us produce the upcoming episode of Conversations with Cardinal Raymond Burke!
By submitting your question, you are helping Catholic Action and His Eminence better address the struggles that we Catholics face today.
Please write your question for His Eminence in the field below and hit "Submit Your Question." If you would like to ask anonymously, you can do so by clicking the checkbox below.
We will do our utmost to present each question that you and other Rosary Warriors have submitted. However, as I am sure you realize, we may not be able to answer every question in its entirety due to time limitations.
Nonetheless, we will endeavor to ask His Eminence to address the topics and issues of concern and to reply to as many of the submitted questions as possible. You can be sure that the most pressing issues affecting us Catholics today will be presented in the Conversations.
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