Message to Bishop Rhoades - Catholic Action For Faith and Family


On May 15, 2016, Notre Dame University awarded the Laetare Medal "in recognition of outstanding service to the Church and society" to Vice President Joseph Biden. However, there is a serious problem. Vice President Biden says he is a Catholic but has a history of being adamantly pro-abortion and a major supporter of same-sex marriage. Both of these positions are in direct contradiction to natural moral law and the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. So, how is a Catholic University presenting an award to a public figure who openly defies Catholic moral teaching but calls himself a Catholic?

In face of this situation, Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana (Notre Dame is located within his diocese), issued an official statement denouncing this unacceptable decision. Here follow some excerpts from his statement:

“We should seek to honor those who act to protect human life and dignity from conception to natural death, who respect true marriage and the family…. We should NOT honor those who may be exemplary in one area but gravely irresponsible in another… We should NOT honor those who claim to personally accept Church teaching, but act contrary to that teaching in their political choices."

"My principal concern about this whole matter is scandal. In honoring a ‘pro-choice’ Catholic who also has supported the redefinition of marriage, which the Church considers harmful to the common good of society, it can give the impression to people, including Catholics in political office, that one can be ‘a good Catholic’ while also supporting or advocating for positions that contradict our fundamental moral and social principles and teachings.”

Please send your message of support to Bishop Rhoades below!


Dear Bishop Rhoades,

Thank you for your statement and for standing up for our Catholic Faith!

I am a faithful Catholic! I strive to follow the teachings of the Catholic Faith both publicly and privately! I stand with you in affirming the Truths of the moral and social teachings of the Church even when it is not popular nor politically correct!

Please be assured of my prayers and support!

May God bless you and grant you courage in your struggle to stop scandal!

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